Wisdom Tooth Removal: What Happens When You Ignore Impacted Teeth for Long?

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, usually make their appearance in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, often, there isn’t sufficient space in the mouth for these teeth to emerge or grow correctly, resulting in impacted wisdom teeth.

Ignoring impacted wisdom teeth can lead to several problems, such as severe pain, infection, damage to neighboring teeth, and cyst formation. Over time, these issues can exacerbate, leading to systemic complications like the spread of infection to other parts of the body.

Impacted wisdom teeth can also cause a kind of domino effect, disrupting the alignment of other teeth, which could require orthodontic treatment to correct. Additionally, they can create pockets around the teeth where food particles can become trapped, fostering bacterial growth, leading to gum disease and tooth decay.

If you’re experiencing symptoms such as pain at the back of the mouth, swollen, red, or bleeding gums, swelling around the jaw, bad breath, or difficulty opening your mouth, it’s crucial to seek dental advice promptly. Your dentist can assess the situation and recommend the best course of action, which might be the removal of the wisdom teeth.

Remember, the role of oral health in maintaining overall health cannot be understated. The decision to remove wisdom teeth is not merely about resolving the discomfort; it’s about preventing further complications that could seriously impact your systemic health.

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